A Stem And Leaf Plot. In other words we can say that a Stem and Leaf Plot is a table in which each data value is split into a stem and a leaf. The next greatest common place value is used to form the leaves. However the leaf is on the right side. The largest place-value digits are placed in.
The greatest common place value of the data is used to form the stem. Its similar to a histogram because both types of charts group together data points and are good ways to show how many data points fall into a certain category or range. Enter values separated by commas such as 1 2 4 7 7 10 2 4 5. This example shows how to make a stem and leaf plot. Generate an online stem and leaf plot or stemplot and calculate basic descriptive statistics for a sample data set with 4 or more values and up to 1000 values all non-negative. The Stem and Leaf plot is a way of organizing data into a form that makes it easy to see the frequency of different values.
17 stem leaf EXAMPLE.
The following diagram shows how to construct a stem-and-leaf plot or stemplot. Stem-and-leaf plots also contain back-to-back plots rounding data truncating data and more. When there are many numbers in a set of data we can construct a stem-and-leaf plot to show the data and make it easier to read. Stem and-leaf plots. The stems with the largest amount of data in the picture above are the 2 and 6 stems. Instead the stem forms one part of a number and the leaves make up the rest of that number.