Box Plot In Spss. This is used to plot box plot overlaid with dotted plot with mean symbol indicated in red. These are reaction times between 2551 and 2905 milliseconds. If there are no circles or asterisks on either end of the box plot this is an indication that no outliers are present. All 233 reaction times lie between 0 and 3000 milliseconds.
Theres 3 options for showing titles in SPSS boxplots. Click on the Simple Boxplot icon in the upper left corner and drag it into the large white rectangle with the blue type in the upper right side of the window. Menu click on Boxplot. 1st quartile 15interquartile range. If there are no circles or asterisks on either end of the box plot this is an indication that no outliers are present. Here is an example in BioVinci about the overlaid box plot.
How to Create a Single Box Plot in SPSS.
Make sure the Gallery tab is selected and under Choose from pick Boxplot. Drag the first image in the middle lower pane into the upper pane. Create your boxplot via the Chart Builder as in example 3. Instructional video on how to create a diagram showing a box plot for multiple scale variables with SPSS. The chart below shows a boxplot of their reaction times. The boxplots are also called bars and whisker diagrams in SPSS.