Formula For Mann Whitney U Test. The power calculation for the Mann-Whitney U or Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test is the same as that for the two-sample equal-variance t-test except that an adjustment is made to the sample size based on an assumed data distribution as described in Al-Sunduqchi and Guenther 1990. The Mann-Whitney test uses a normal approximation method to determine the p-value of the test. The sample drawn from the population is random. The Mann-Whitney U Test is a statistical test used to determine if 2 groups are significantly different from each other on your variable of interest.
Tails 1 or 2 default. If the data are severely non-normal the Mann-Whitney U test is. J denote by U x. That means that an observation is in one group. This equation is essentially comparing the theoretical sum of the ranks from group 1 to the actual sum of the ranks for group 1. Check that U x U y n xn y.
The following image shows the formula to use to calculate the rank of the first value in the Treated group.
U1 n1n2 n1n112 R1. The sample drawn from the population is random. In every test U1U2 is always equal to n1n2. If the test is one-sided this is your p-value. That means that an observation is in one group. Calculate the ranks for both groups.