Interpreting A Box Plot. In a Skewed histogram and box plot compared. This suggests that overall students. If our box plot is not. Box plot also known as box-and-whisker plot helps us to study the distribution of the data and to spot the outliers effectively.
Making a box plot itself is one thing. They provide a useful way to visualise the range and other characteristics of responses for a large group. If the box plot is symmetric it means that our data follows a normal distribution. The diagram below shows a variety of different box plot shapes and positions. In this video you will learn to interpret a box and whisker plotTranscriptLets look at this Box and whisker PlotHere is Q1 Q3 the median the minimum and. This is an example of a box plot.
How to interpret a box plot.
Illustration by Ryan Sneed. Interpretation of the box plot alternatively box and whisker plot rests in understanding that it provides a graphical representation of a five number summary ie. If the box plot is relatively tall then the data is spread out. The following box plot represents data on the GPA of 500 students at a high school. Click Box and Whisker. It is a very convenient way to visualize the spread and skew of the data.